RAT 08/30/2009
Theme: Raag aur Taal Aug 30, 2009
Artist:shahjahan miah
Album:INEDIT shahjahan miah (chants mystiques bauls du bangladesh)
Song(s):Piece instrumentale
Released by:Maison des cultures du monde
Artist:Prahlad brahmachari
Album:Songs of the bauls (prahlad brahmachari)
Song(s):sihet song, deha tatva,song of the bauls,elore chaitanyer
Released by:world sounds 1990 victor entertainment Inc. Japan, 1997 JVC
Artist:Purna chandra das
Album:songs of the bauls II (purna chandra das)
Song(s):Bristir gaan,lalon geeti,prem tatva
Released by:world sounds,1993 victor entertainment Inc. Japan, 1997 JVC
Artist:vishwanath das,Anando gopal Das,nitya gopal das
Album: Bauls du bengale
Song(s):all tracks
Released by:daqui, harmonia mundi distribution
Labels: Baul music