Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sounds of China 2/21/09

Theme: Songstresses of the 1930s - 1960s

Host: 周雯 / Wen

Artist: 周璇 / Zhou Xuan
Album: 周璇之歌 第七集 / Songs of Zhou Xuan Volume 7
两条路上 Liang tiao lu shang / On two roads
卖杂货 Mai za huo / Selling goods
想郎 Xiang lang / Missing him
卖烧饼 Mai shao bing / Selling fried cakes
月下的祈祷 Yue xia de qidao / Prayer under the moon
探清 Tan qing / Visiting relatives
诉衷情 Su zhong qing / Plaint
花花姑娘 Hua hua gu niang / Flowery girl
不要唱吧 Bu yao chang ba / Don't sing

Artist: 周璇 / Zhou Xuan
Album:周璇之歌 第二集 / Songs of Zhou Xuan Volume 2
黄叶舞秋风 Huang ye wu qiu feng / Yellow leaves dance autumn wind
春之晨 Chun zhi chen / Spring morning
天长地久 Tian chang di jiu / Far heaven and earth
梅妃舞 Mei fei wu / Dance of mei fei

Artist: 紫薇 / Zi Wei
Album: 绿岛小夜曲 - 紫薇名歌集 / Green Island Tune - Famous Songs of Zi Wei
回想曲 Hui xiang qu / Song of remembrance
少年的我 Shao nian de wo / The youthful me
明媒正娶 Ming mei zheng qu
我的心理战有你 Wo de xin li zhan you ni / My heart is filled with you
恨海 Hen hai / Harsh sea
小窗相思 Xiao chuang xiang si / Mutual longing at the window
绿岛小夜曲 Lu dao xiao ye qu / Green Island Tune
小情郎 Xiao qing lang / Small loved one
陇上一朵玫瑰 Long shang yi duo mei gui / Put on a rose
送君情泪 Song jun qing lei / Tears of sending away loved one

Album: 国语彩色家庭伦理文艺钜片 五对佳偶:全部住插曲
电影:母亲与我 / Film: Mother and me
母亲你在何方 Mu qin ni zai he fang / Mother where are you
爱情的终站 Ai qing de zhong zhan / The end of love
几度夕阳红 Ji du xi yang hong / Degrees of dusk's redness

Album: 小云雀 (电影插曲)/ The Lark (Film soundtrack)
露珠儿 Lu zhu er / Showing the pearls
海棠 Hai Tang / Crabapple
情人的眼泪 Qing ren de yan lei / Loved one's tears
不了情 Bu Liao Qing / Unforgettable love
我心里有一个人 Wo xin li you yi ge ren / There's a person in my heart
阿里山的姑娘 A Li Shan de gu niang / Girl from A Li Mountain
相思河畔 Xiang si he pan / Mutual longing and remembrance
空虚的梦 Kong xu de meng / Empty dreams